How to Loop a PowerPoint Presentation

Setting up a PowerPoint slideshow to loop continuously is easy:

  1. Switch to the Slide Show Ribbon tab.
  2. Click on Set Up Slide Show.
  3. Tick the Loop continuously until 'Esc' checkbox.

Loop continuously until 'Esc'

By default, PowerPoint advances to the next slide only when a mouse click occurs. If you want your slideshow to advance automatically, follow the steps below:

  1. Select all slides in the navigation pane.
  2. Switch to the Transitions tab in the Ribbon.
  3. In the Timing group under Advance Slide tick the checkbox next to After:
  4. Enter the duration you want each slide to display.

Advance Slide Duration

About ShapeChef

ShapeChef is a tool that helps you find and manage graphics and charts for your presentations. Click here for details.
ShapeChef: Graphic and Chart Library for PowerPoint

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